I’m Claire Robertson, a word artist who also goes by the name ‘Bluelead Projects’.

I experiment with language and work within different art forms including performance art, calligraphy, letterpress printing, bookbinding, music and audio recordings.

I often use rites and rituals to explore trauma and ecstatic experiences within my site-specific work.

I’m based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire and have a background in Film, Television, Theatre and Installation.

I explore different poetic techniques, inspired by my research into multi-sensory poetics, synaesthesia and the materiality of language.

“There's something very difficult to categorise about her work, which I personally enjoy; every time I see her I am left with the feeling that something shamanic and very feminine (almost uncomfortably so - like walking into my sisters' bedroom as they were dressing) was happening.

Where so much spoken word has nothing much to offer but the laugh, or vulgarity or self-definition, Robertson’s seems like a warm prayer for the atheist and because of that compelling and important. I felt both times it was like watching a priestess from a very long time ago.”

David Spencer, German British dramatist and radio play author

Some of my projects literally take years (one book took 12 years) to make, whereas others are more spontaneous given the audience, the live site-specific-space and whether it be a solo project or collaboration.

If you’d like to collaborate on a project or simply to get in touch, please use the contact page.

Thank you!

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