Calligraphy projects are another way I explore the materiality of language.

There is a rich line of inheritance from Edward Johnston to the newer ‘expressive’ calligraphy of today and my recent projects include Chinese Brush Painting - Gongbi Style, Xieyi landscapes, as well as encoding expressive works, with scrolls, invented alphabets and writing on experimental surfaces.

Each stroke of the pen carries a unique signature of a person, a multi-layering synchronicity what Ann Hechle describes as ‘where two or more events occur in a meaningful way.’ It is this experience of non-linear synchronicities, those moments that connect when deeply engaged in a project, that my ‘expressive’ calligraphy aims to explore, through meaning, space and intuition.

I have been taught by Ann Hechle, Helen Hayman, Peter Halliday, Anne Allen, Jim Winstanley and am a Member of Calderdale Calligraphers and my work has appeared frequently in The Ascender magazine.

The theme for Calderdale Calligraphers 2023 Johnstonian Dinner was Happy Valley.

Certificate of Death - Tommy Lee Royce 280mm x 425mm on 18th century title deeds vellum parchment.

Submission for Calderdale Calligraphers regional display at Capital Letters Day, The Society of Scribes & Illuminators 100th Anniversary Exhibition, Goodenough College, London May 14th.

The theme was ‘Write Up North’ and the illuminated G is based on the Florentine Calligrapher ‘Torelli’s initial and the writing is a mixture of Lombardic versals and insular half uncial on 18th century vellum title deeds with 23 carat gold. (380mm x 200mm)

Ottonian numericals in gouache on 18th century Vellum title deeds. 20 x12cm's, to celebrate the 150th Birthday of Edward Johnston (the father of modern calligraphy)

The Human Muzzle

390 x 285mm - Kingsthings spike, gothic bastarda & cadels on 1836 vellum indenture deeds.
(I photographed it on a light board to show the natural transparency of the calfskin)

This piece stems from an experimental poetry collaboration between myself and Martin Christie and his monastic inspired song of the same name can be heard here.

❧ Mini Morris ❧

A miniature experiment in Arts & Crafts for Calderdale Calligraphers ‘Natural Inspiration’ postcard-size book. It’s not perfect but the process of layout & writing using a magnifying glass was a cherished challenge

above: Pimping up my friends gig bag for her upcoming live performances. Was rather fun working outside in the Spring Sun.

right/below: A miniature postcard size gold leaf C - this piece will be bound into a hand made book alongside others and exhibited at the Society of Scribes and Illuminators 100th Anniversary “Capital Letters’ Exhibition in London on May 14th.

A piece I made at Calderdale Calligraphers May workshop with Clare Whittaker. Here’s the process in poetry.


It was only after the workshop
she could see -
Consonant prayer flags
imbedded in the strokes
of pencil lead.

the act of writing
fortified in touch with the mark
enacting shapes and letterforms
from feelings & the space between things

occasionally the openness works best;
to close your eyes and never
let the pencil leave the paper
until your next breath.

On the theme ‘Northern Weather’ a stanza taken from my poem If a leaf could speak.

Submission for Calderdale Calligraphers regional display at Capital Letters Day, The Society of Scribes & Illuminators 100th Anniversary Exhibition, Goodenough College, London May 14th.

Hand made watercolour background with contemporary handwritten script. (320xx x 240mm)